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The Invisible Powers - The Theatrical Archetypes

Invisibles Powers are at work in the universe. And some of those powers can help you achieve greatness. These powers help you access your own greatness and achieve the life you want. The Theatrical Archetypes are some of those Invisible Powers.

In addition, these invisible powers or superior energy forces, are at work in your life. These Invisible powers can challenge, hold back, and empower you. The who you are, who you want to be and who you become. As well, they influence how our life turns out daily and in the long term. Archetypes are reflected through everyday people, family as well as extraordinary people. And can be identified easily through characters of our favorite TV shows, movies, theatrical plays, books, and stories. These are Archetypes. Archetypes reflect greatness, mystery, adventure, confidence, magic and all the traits we could possibly possess from humility to tyranny. All Archetypes are the invisible powers that can reflect your greatest weakness and empower you to greatness.

Original Form?

The term Archetype comes from ancient Greek. The root word archein meaning “original or old”; and typos which means “pattern, model or type”. Together it means “original pattern.” All other similar persons, objects or concepts are derived, copied, modeled, or emulated. In turn, Archetypes can be seen as Original Standards. And these base forms have superior energy forces that insist on a particular way of being and thinking. Thus, when you tap into their energy force you can harness any one or many of their abilities and characteristics. Consequently, you can use archetypes to identify energy forces within yourself that help you to achieve. Or show you qualities that get in your way of being able to succeed.

The Theatrics of Success uses Archetypical Powers, Reflections and Identities. Ultimately, Theatrical Archetypes are the cornerstones to structure the Actors Journey. Later in The Actor we introduce other archetypes and the many ways any of them can be used. In conclusion, Archetypes are an essential part of developing the life you desire. As a result, unleashing your Hero’s potential to support that life.


tos writer archetype

The Writer Architype the creator of The Theatrical Archetypes. The Writer is better known as the discoverer, creator, and evaluator. In addition, is the writer of the scripts or story that has been, is and will become your life. There are three basic scripts that tell the story of your life from start to finish. Your First Script, your Second Script (both your back story), and Third Life Script (your future).

If you don’t change your script, you don’t give your Actor Within, your Hero, new direction. The script is the first line of defense against your old way of life. Your script dictates where, why and how your Hero needs to think and act. Your inner creator needs to script your new purpose.

There is a well-known quote by Einstein, ‘The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.’ The only way to end up someplace different is to re-write where you are heading. If you keep ending up in the same place or can’t seem to get past a certain point, then you must look where you keep pointing. Thus, to get out of the crazy -ness of your life, you need to do something different enough to have different enough.

                                                                                An arrow only lands where it’s been pointed to.

                        If you want to land someplace difference from where you are heading or are, you need to point in a new direction.

So, you can’t change your story without changing you, the main character. In life, you write the unwritten story by your thoughts and actions. You can of course re-write your story, but it won’t change unless you change the main character’s attitude, mindset, and way of behaving. Thus, the very things that keep the story unfolding and moving in any direction.

Right now, your character is only supporting the old script via the old ways. Consequently, you must change the narrative first and give your hero, main character, a new direction. And a way of acting out. This principle also applies if you aren’t stuck in life but want to prevent it.

Deep Dive

Conclusively, if this is happening to you, you probably don’t explore deep enough to find the core needed changes. The driving forces that influence who you are being is the cause to the effects in your life. It’s likely that if you are stuck or the same situations keep repeating themselves, then you either haven’t found the right way or changed the right area. To prevent repeating habits and situation you don’t want you’ll need to implement the right habits and steps of what will get you where you want to go initially.

                                                                                                        Change your story, change your life?

The ‘who you are’ your ‘mindset and belief system’. This is the actual driving force that determines what you do, how you do it, and where you go and commands your life to look a certain way. To change or develop your story and main character you must evaluate your Main Character, First Script, Second Script and current script. Depending on what script you are stationed in your life. In conclusion, determine what actions need to happen to get your life and hero where you want your Life Script to point.


tos actor archetype

The Actor Archetype is the face of your life production. It’s the part of you that reflects how you show up or not in your life. There are two aspects to consider; the first represents the taking or not taking of action, more specifically the how and why you Be or Not Be. ‘To Be or Not to Be’. Or in other words, ‘To Act or Not to Act’. The idea which relates to the value of your actions and their worth toward achieving certain desired results.

Appreciation of action can be viewed through the idea of the Actor in a means of false representation. Whether you are or are not acting falsely in your life. How do you represent yourself? Are you being true to yourself? Are you saving face, trying to be someone you are not or acting out based on non-self-chosen influences from various Conditions of Life?

There have been, there are, and there will be times in life when we are re-act and don’t act out with full attention or awareness. Especially, to circumstances that are triggered by emotions and charges from past experiences that have left a mark. Conclusively, the idea is to minimize the auto re-activeness. To be more aware of your situation and the circumstance in order to act out with more intention. Actions that match your true sense of self. No matter if that result is peace of mind, joy, financial success, a new career, or building a relationship or simply having a good day.

Right Action

In addition, consider how you cannot control the outcome of situations outside yourself nor guarantee your actions completely or exactly manifest your desires or even intentions. However, you can increase the probability by influencing them through truth and right action. Truth, acting in ways that are in alignment with your true sense of self. And Right Action, the actions you take are right for you toward specific goals. The objective is to stop the train of re-active or false personified actions that are fueled by previously written script conditions. Above all, creating a life of purposeful action which you perform with intention for results as well as expression of self-truth. And to formulate these behaviors through self-chosen new conditions of influence.

The Theatrical Archetypes need a Hero, you. Your true self. The being who you truly are. And your actor acts out to the world in your Hero’s favor. Just as a theatrical actor acts out to the world with truth responses in their characters favor.

                                                                                                          The Masquerade

Think of the masquerade as those moments that you felt, sensed, or were moved to act in a certain way that might have been for your benefit, but didn’t. Maybe out of fear, uncertainty, shame, embarrassment, lack of self-confidence. This is a time when you might have acted either physically or mentally out of habits based on your character developed from old conditions of life influences. And quite possibly not your true sense of self. This is your false actor that you need to put into question. What beliefs and mindset are your actor acting out from?

The Actor is a place of action. Executing the best ways to act out that drive our hero closer to winning at your goals, dreams, and ambitions. The actor applies methids that help you to authentically reach abundance.


tos director archetype

The Theatrical Archetypes has a guide to help you on your journey. The Director Archetype is your guide. Your Personal Inner Life Coach. Directing more of the how and not so much the where, yet with the intention on the where. The Director helps guide you in taking back control of the direction of your life through specific methods.

Instead of being directed by previously written script influences, you will now direct the course of your life on your terms. Hence, the things that work for you. Let’s face it, not all methods work for everyone. We each need specific means to attain the life we want. People aren’t generic, why should the methods that make us our best selves or help us get what our best selves deserve in life be generic?

The Director Archetype helps Reverse the Curse of yesterday’s Condition of Life affects. Re-direct your course through self-chosen value driven practices. Ones that support success habits for your actor to perform toward a new scripted life.

Success Mindset

The Director help you develop a Success Mindset (Growth Mindset). Establish Personal Core Value driven practices and habits that lead to being Successful at Achieving the life you want. The Director helps in two areas: on one hand helping to direct you to building your hero’s muscles and secondly, helping direct the course of your new life.

However, the Director’s strength is the ability to find methods that will influence desired outcomes without getting caught up in emotional or mental distractions. Finding out what works and knows what doesn’t. His/her weakness is questioning too much his ways. His traits are intuition, organization, and planning.

Finally, the job of the director is to help create the methods of action to achieve. He helps the actor to feel safe and find ways of pulling the best of himself out. As a result, influencing situations and people to support your hero. In addition, helping the actor strengthen abilities and potential while stretching and growing to the person he/she needs to be.


TOS Producer Archetype

The Producer Archetype is a leader. Excelling in both self-leadership as well as leading others. The producer knows how to employ and build success supporting teams. As well as having excellent communication skills that influences development. The Theatrical Archetypes Producer is the Torchbearer, leading your way and holding the vision, Purpose and Why alive. Here you look at letting non-supportive influences go and acquiring teams, co-stars/actors that only support your growth and ambitions. Conclusively, the producer humbly accepts the fact that he can’t do it alone and seeks precise assistance.

The Producer recognizes his weaknesses and strengths. Surrounding himself with others that bring out his best as well as challenge him to grow. Though, he/she can only do this by being Grateful for those who have gotten him to where he is currently, for better or worse. As well as being grateful for being able to find and build with those who will now help get him to where he wants to go.

Communication – Leading Success Trait

Communication is the producer’s principal skill. Knowing that the manner he/she communicates through thoughts, words, and emotions hold the power to influence in a positive or negative way. The producer is goal oriented, keeping thoughts, words, and actions in integrity on goals of personal development, self-truth and ambitions.

Above all, The producer understands that communication with themself, in his/her own mind, is as important if not more so, as communication with others. The producer’s strength is in seeing the puzzle pieces laid out but envisioning it already together. None the less, his weakness is in false leadership and expecting other to do what he is unwilling. Hence, the producer leads him/herself confidently and humbly to create the Performance of his/her lifetime.

The Theatrical Archetypes guide you from the Land of Make Believe to the Land of Make and Believe. And aid you in building the needed muscles and unleashing your hero’s potential. In conclusion, The Theatrics of Success help you see and apply talents you might have denied, shut out, haven’t listened to, or simply haven’t tapped into yet for any number of reasons. To help empower you to reach your full potential and get you what you want out of life. You get to develop your true Actor Within – your hero. The character you were meant to play. Not the one you were told to play. All while Producing the greatest Performance of Your Lifetime – your life. Embrace the unque powers that are within you throught The Theatrical Archetypes.